Sunday, October 6, 2013

First Day at 100%

Woot!  Today, Sunday October 6th 2013, was my first day eating WFPB 100%.  I consider 100% on plan right now to be in compliance with the McDougall regular (not MWL) plan.

To be sure, I was craving both honey-roasted cashews and coke today. But I persevered (mostly because its Sunday and I hadn't bought either ahead of time). 

My goals for this week are:

1. At least one day of 100% compliance (check!)
2. Try at least one new recipe (check!)
3. Be mindful about eating dinner before nuts, so that they don't substitute for dinner

For goal #1, I decided to make a recipe from Susan Voisin's blog Fat Free Vegan.  I made her Creamy Vegan Broccoli and Rice Casserole:

Unfortunately, it didn't taste as good as I had hoped. Lest you be turned off to Susan's awesome recipes though, I attribute this to two factors:
1. My taste buds have not yet changed sufficiently that I thoroughly enjoy WFPB foods.
2. I don't know how to spice foods for flavor, and I regularly leave spices out if I don't have them on hand or don't think I'll like them.... in this case I omitted salt, pepper and smoked paprika.
I also had a Yamburger on Dave's Goodseed Killer Bread, with lettuce, tomato, pickle & mustard. And frozen grapes...

...for breakfast and for dinner.
And I had dried apricots. And water. And nothing else.
So my friends, this is a momentous occasion! My first day of 100% WFPB eating. I can do this. I got this! Yeah!


  1. YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you can hear me celebrating all the way down here in Utah, as I am SO VERY PROUD OF YOU!!! What a momentous day!!!!!!! I can't believe how far you have come and all you have accomplished, even in the short time I've known you. Thanks for the tribute on McDougall! That was awesome. This day has been full of light, and you are the (don't want to say icing on the cake), special sauce on the WFPB casserole!

  2. Good for you! I'll keep checking in. I'm excited to see your progress. My blog is if you are interested.

    1. Thanks for sharing your blog, AJ! I'm excited to read about your journey as well!
